LET’S ALL MAKE SURE WE PROTECT DEMOCRACY ON NOVEMBER 8TH (My attempt to create a helpful candidates guide)–A Reblog/Update

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com With Two Weeks to Go: There's reason for concern, but not despair! If we all do our parts, we can still prevent the takeover of our government by a party that has stated outright its plans--plans that will assault our freedoms, the economy, and our government's stability. Using the … Continue reading LET’S ALL MAKE SURE WE PROTECT DEMOCRACY ON NOVEMBER 8TH (My attempt to create a helpful candidates guide)–A Reblog/Update

OH, NO, DONALD…!?!??!

YOU DID ALL OF THIS... The FBI is seeking information about other Insurrectionists not yet apprehended. Capitol Violence Images are found at http://www.fbi.gov. ...AND THIS: BECAUSE OF THIS?!!?!!? Trump made the above comment, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson told the January 6 Committee, in December, 2020, when the Supreme Court Justices [he was sure … Continue reading OH, NO, DONALD…!?!??!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJSvBYcd_s As an optimist who worries a lot (a self-description I borrowed from the late, great Madeleine Albright), I am not happy about a few things occurring in this countdown to the critically important—likely democracy-at-stake—midterms. I am writing this post now because I believe that even if you’re apolitical and would rather be reading about … Continue reading A WORRIED OPTIMIST MAKES HER PLEA: WHY THESE MIDTERM ELECTIONS ARE DIFFERENT

LET’S ALL MAKE SURE WE PROTECT DEMOCRACY ON NOVEMBER 8TH (My attempt to create a helpful candidates guide)

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com With the completion of the primaries on September 13 and the midterm elections less than two months away, it’s time to zero in on particular candidates who have been targeted by the Republicans, and/or those I feel are especially worthy of your votes, active support, and any dollars you … Continue reading LET’S ALL MAKE SURE WE PROTECT DEMOCRACY ON NOVEMBER 8TH (My attempt to create a helpful candidates guide)