Georgia’s Voter Suppression Law Is Only the Beginning

A Reblog from TokyoSand

When President Biden stressed in his first formal press conference that our times are being marked by the battle between autocracy and democracy, he wasn’t just speaking about other countries. He was stressing what’s happening right here, in the US. Right now!

I am reblogging this post from TokyoSand at because it contains both the sense of urgency and some valuable resources for anyone who wants to learn more and/or donate to the pro-democracy Georgia organizations who are at the forefront of the battle.



Georgia’s Voter Suppression Law is Only the Beginning 

BY TOKYOSAND on  • ( 4 )

Governor Brian Kemp signs Georgia’s new voter suppression bill (photo via GPB News)

You’ve no doubt seen the news that last night, Georgia’s Governor, Brian Kemp, signed a massive elections bill which amounts to nothing more than voter suppression. 

To give you some context as to how unpopular this bill is, here are some statistics from PoliticalWire as to how the people of Georgia feel about it:

  • 77% oppose criminalizing the distribution of food and water to people standing in line waiting to vote.
  • 76% oppose allowing the state legislature to take election authority away from local elections officials, counties, and the Secretary of State.
  • 70% oppose throwing out the vote of any eligible voter who votes at the wrong precinct location, regardless of circumstances like being given incorrect information by an election official.

This is just more evidence that 1) Republicans do not care about what we the people think, and 2) they are openly attacking democracy. 

I keep getting questions about what we should do, and I have some suggestions below, but first I need to share with you more ugly truth. 

This is only the beginning. 

The truth is that the GOP has proposed 253 bills to restrict voting in 43 states. What just passed in Georgia is the beginning of what is, no joke, a fight for our democracy. If we don’t stop this right now, we’re going to be in a world of hurt and we won’t get the chance to fix any other issues. 

What we can do

First off, what can we do about Georgia? 

Well, the good news is that Marc Elias of Democracy Docket announced within 2 hours of Kemp signing the bill into law that they had filed a lawsuit on behalf of New Georgia Project, Black Voters Matter Fund and Rise, arguing that the bill violates the Fourteenth Amendment and the Voting Rights Act. 

That said, every organization focused on elections in Georgia is going to need donations to help combat this law. I’ve got a great list of those organizations listed in an older article (about how to help elect now-Senators Warnock and Ossoff) but in the “donate” section, there is a list of 40+ Georgia organizations we can support right now.

Next, what can we do to stop these voter suppression bills?

With 253 bills in 43 states, the chances are really, really good you’ve got a voter suppression bill working its way through your state’s legislature right now. The Brennan Center has that list, by state, right HERE. Take one minute to look what bills are proposed in your state. Copy the bill numbers and then send your local/state legislators an email, or call them, and tell them to stop the bills asap. You can find their contact information HERE

And of course, at the federal level, we need to put our energy into making sure that the For The People Act (HR1/S1) gets passed as soon as possible. It requires reforming the filibuster at the very least, so daily pressure must be applied. Call or email your Senators in Congress today. 

Thank you for taking action!

18 thoughts on “Georgia’s Voter Suppression Law Is Only the Beginning

  1. I appreciate the link to other states than Georgia. With so much attention on Georgia we run the risk of missing actions in the 42 other states. For reference, the 2004 federal elections drew a LOT of attention to Florida (where the questionable actions took place in 2000) so Ohio, which had questionable stuff going on in 2004, had minimal attention.
    My state has some items on the list. I will take some time to work through the language and look at what action I can take.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s great, MDavis. With 43 of the 50 states pursuing some kind of suppression, this is definitely an all-hands on deck moment in our national life. So glad you’re taking the time to educate yourself. In some states, the Brennan data may seem contradictory: there are both proposed legislation to suppress and to expand voting rights. I suspect these are blue states where the expansions will prevail over a Republican minority just making noise.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The most pernicious idea is the one that gives the legislature the ability to simply disregard any election results. Does this mean that in the next state elections the majority (GOP) could simply invalidate all the elections in which the Democrats won? Create a legislative body that is 100% Republican? (Answer: YES) So, there is really no need to vote in Georgia, is there? This is well beyond a new Jim Crow, this is a new Russian Communist Politburo or German Reichstag which in 1933 make the Nazi Party the only legal party. in which all other political parties are effectively outlawed. Easy way to win elections.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, Joseph: you’ve pointed out the most sinister in a long list of legislative efforts that President Biden has rightly called “sick.”

      But I do believe this disgusting campaign will backfire if enough of us raise our voices. The phrase “Democracy is not a spectator sport” has never been more important in my lifetime than it is now.


    1. I’m sorry, Neil. I hate to think that Annie’s blog is hazardous to your health! But we the people have to fight back now. The Democracy Pledge I posted on Wednesday is, I think, an easy and hopefully effective way to do that.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So true: we speak up, holler if need be, make the calls, write the letters, take the pledge, in short DO something . . . or our democracy will suffer if not be dealt a mortal blow. Thanks for putting resources right in front of us. Your DOING will help us all DO MORE.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Jill. I discovered TokyoSand via your blog.

      My previous post describes The Democracy Pledge, which I think could be a valuable tool for pushing businesses to take a stand for democracy. It’s an easy way for consumers to make our voices heard. I’d love to see it get as much attention as possible.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. TS does great work and does her research. I will check out your Democracy Pledge post tomorrow, for it is after 3:00 a.m. now and there just isn’t much of me left tonight! If I forget, please do remind me!

        Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s often said that the bigger the lie, the more people will believe it, but it seems that in Georgia the more brazen the voter suppression the greater the perceived reward. I really hope that this isn’t true and that the likes of Stacey Abrams’ legacy is secured.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Matthew. We’re all pulling for Stacey, et al. I’m just listening to Mitch McConnell saying corporations should stay out of politics—but clarifying that he’s not talking about political donations!? Or, as one commentator put it (with the Citizens United case that freed up dark money in mind): “In other words, money is speech, but speaking is not speech.”


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