BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT–An Acrostic in Praise of Twelve Ordinary Americans

Photo by KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA on B ellicose bombastE rupted from theY owling potty mouthO f theN ihilistic felonD isgraced at last by A merican justice. R ising as one from anonymity,E ntering anA tmosphere requiringS ignificant bravery to accept a once-O rdinary civic duty, twelveN ew Yorkers assessed facts,A sked cogent questions, and B … Continue reading BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT–An Acrostic in Praise of Twelve Ordinary Americans

After the Radical Supreme Court Majority Decided to Hamper America’s Immune System…We Healed Ourselves! (A Prospective Acrostic) E xamining anX -ray of our BodyP olitic in years hence,A nyone N otice theD estructive, haywire macrophages T hat were eating away at ourH omeostasis, our constitutionalE quipoise?D idn't WE THE PEOPLE haveA say when theM ad Hairer chomped on ourN ervous system and poured C orrosive acid onO ur heart? WE SURE … Continue reading After the Radical Supreme Court Majority Decided to Hamper America’s Immune System…We Healed Ourselves! (A Prospective Acrostic)

My Fifth Blogoversary: A Simple Acrostic

B logging has become theL oveliest, previously unimaginedO pening to a world ofG enerous, creative, thoughtfullyO pinionated and oh-so-V erbal colleagues, friends,E ducators. I find thisR obust blogosphereS cintillating in ways I'd neverA nticipated, and I offer myR esounding gratitude toY ou who are journeying with me. Warmest thanks to my blogging and non-blogging readers … Continue reading My Fifth Blogoversary: A Simple Acrostic