The Little Guy Wins!

Nature’s ways can be oh-so cruel
The orcas simply sought some gruel

A penguin would be quite a treat–
A tasty bit of gentoo meat.

But Jimmy (some cheered with that name)
Refused to be the whales’ fair game.

He swam like hell to save his skin
This was a race he had to win.

And to the travelers’ delight,
He closed his swim with all his might

As from the icy waters leapt
To safety, hurling his small heft.

I see him, center stage, on board,
And wish the world were herbivored.


27 thoughts on “The Little Guy Wins!

  1. The world would be a better place,
    If orcas were a vegan race.

    Alas, they can’t call salads lunch;
    On seals and penguins they must munch.

    But see how, witnessing this fight,
    The humans feel the penguin’s plight!

    Instinctively they take his side;
    To see him chomped, they can’t abide.

    We too, deep-down being herbivores
    Feel sickened when the killer scores.

    And if the orca could, we too
    Would be its prey, like that gentoo.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Wow. That’s quite a poem — and another poem in response in the comments! — inspired by this poignant video. Those penguins are extraordinary swimmers/jumpers! And the humans in the boat were indeed fortunate that the whale didn’t decide to knock their small boat over in her/his quest for a meal…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I like to mix things up a bit here, Will: amid my political and other posts I sometimes add little ditties like this—occasionally “meatier” poems (pun intended, of course).

      I was taken by how calm the tourists were in what was essentially a raft: there was, in fact, a whole pod of orcas surrounding them. But maybe that kind of equanimity is inherent in people who choose Antarctica as a vacation spot!
      Always good to hear from you.


    1. Thanks so much. Matthew. I like the aerodynamics and adrenaline. It’s so fascinating to think what made the little guy seek refuge on the boat. I always feel we underestimate animals’ capabilities.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A curious lot we humans be,
    Quick to choose sides among those in the sea.
    The penguin rescued from perdition,
    Means the orca goes without nutrition.

    Food for thought: I too rooted for the penguin, but then asked why. Do we prefer birds over sea creatures? Small animals to large? Do we instinctively side with an underdog? And would we root against the penguin when it chases down a small fish? I have no answers.


    1. This was another one rescued from spam, today,JP.

      You raise some thoughtful questions. I think the first three would probably get a yes answer from many people; the fourth…
      Penguins arouse special interest and affection that I think would overcome disapprobation as they snared small fish.


    2. This was another one rescued from spam, today,JP.

      You raise some thoughtful questions. I think the first three would probably get a yes answer from many people; the fourth…
      Penguins arouse special interest and affection that I think would overcome disapprobation as they snared small fish.

      (I realize I have duplicate comments, but following the spam fiasco, I fear that if I delete one, they’ll both disappear!)


      1. I think all animals are special, but penguins are definitely fun and have character. I loved seeing him in the boat, just looking around, not at all afraid, it seemed.


  4. Thank you, Jill. Yes, we discuss in the comments how instinctively he (we’re assuming his gender based on the traveler’s naming him Jimmy) seemed to realize he’d reached a safe haven.

    I agree all (or nearly all) animals are special, and we invariably underestimate them. I love to write about the human-animal bond.


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