A Substitute Rant–

The WordPress Happiness Engineers are cheery;
They respond as best they can.

But a SNAFU is making me weary;
What you’re reading is not what I’d planned…

The stats say Saturday, 11 AM
Is when most of you visit my site;

So I worked my little tail off, man oh man
And completed my post last night.

But the morning brought a fearsome view:
The text and images were gone–

First from computer they said adieu,
Then vanished from my phone.

The Happiness Engineers are on my case;
I should hear in the days ahead.

So please keep an eye out as they retrace
A post that I hope ain’t dead.

The title from the original piece
Is all that remains from it now.

A part of it applies to this ditty, at least:
Am I on a rant? And how!


PS: As the saying goes: “Watch this space!”…please.


35 thoughts on “A Substitute Rant–

    1. “A meditation intervention?”
      A fine thing for you to mention;
      Breathing in and breathing out;
      –that’s what life is all about.
      It helps me balance when I’m aslant
      And is all I need at the end of a rant!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I am eager to see what transpired
    Was your post lost in space or the void?
    Did it fizzle and fazzle and flicker?
    Were the gods of the ‘net all annoyed?

    Will it appear today or the morrow?
    Like that uncle we all fear will arrive
    Has it disappeared into the vastness
    Or the depths where dreaded Askimet thrives?

    As a teacher , myself I can’t help
    But to point out a lesson , I fear
    When a blog is worth saving forever
    Please save a copy, my dear.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Your philosophical questions, Prof Joe
      Deserve a post of their own.
      Do you think my own blog’s spamming me?
      That’s a thought I would surely bemoan.

      As to the lesson you offer me, Prof. Joe
      A copy resides on my MAC
      But images, links, and better prose
      May not survive this “hack.”

      Yet in the scheme of things, we know
      My SNAFU rates not too high
      And my ditty was more fun to write, I avow
      Than the rant now in cybersky.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You do have a talent for rhyming poems! But Oh Annie, I hope it didn’t disappear forever. Did you pre-post it for a certain time? I have never done that, but I usually only compose in WordPress so no backup – which is a little scary especially when you put so much effort into it. I’ll be watching for it’s safe return.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. No; I didn’t pre-post it, though I have done that in the past. I do have the original on my computer, but as I mentioned to commenter Joe, it lacks all the images, links, and final edits. Anyway, if WP doesn’t get to me quite soon, it may be stale news. So be it! I’m all in with meditation and lovingkindness, now that I’ve unloaded my frustration. (Did you see last week’s post with the Anger Management title? I discovered some fascinating research.)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No I didn’t see last weeks post but have just read it now – it’s wonderful! Stupid question but which way should the circle be under settings when you follow somebody and want to be notified of their posts? Is my left on or off? I know my both my cell phone and IPod is different, so I get confused.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It isnā€™t a stupid question. You shouldnā€™t have to do anything after clicking ā€œfollowā€ once and clicking on ā€œsend notifications by emailā€ once. It should stay on. But Iā€™ve gotten other complaints. I will take this up with WP too when they connect about my lost post.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. How deeply frustrating! However your travail has already inspired not one but two poems (one of which coins the terrific phrase “dreaded Askimet”). I look forward with hope to reading your original post soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. This little ditty was more fun to write than my original rant. And I agree: “dreaded Askimet” is super! I liked Joseph’s entire piece, which came just minutes after I posted mine. So my SNAFU helped unleash another blogger’s creativity, which is a special bonus.


  4. I never had this problem on WP BUT, I will back up my stories from now on. As I mentioned last week I had to turn on notifications for your blog in my settings area. Why????Normally if I follow, the notification is turned on by itself. I’ve missed many of your posts because of notifications not sent.

    I’m good on my end now. I hope you can resolve whats happening on your end soon. For now and forever…Back up everything.
    -Be Very Well Annie-

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thx so much for continuing your helpful guidance. I really think the first part of the post is now stale, so I plan to revise it in a new post and cut and paste the second part. Iā€™m waiting for WP confirmation that using the same title and some of old text wonā€™t awaken any gremlins they havenā€™t locatedā€”who may jump onto my new post or otherwise screw up the publication process.

        I did give them your email and that of another person who had the same complaint about notifications. Hereā€™s hoping that will be straightened out, though of course Iā€™ve no idea if others I havenā€™t heard from are similarly affected.

        But going forward, WP gave me this valuable advice: you can save a post at any stage to your Administrator, thereby creating a history.


      2. Sorry. Sent response before I finished writing. Meant to say make a copy before publishing, and save in drafts. If original disappears, you have the back up copy. I’m going to start doing that for my stories.


  5. What a talent for poetry! I am so impressed. I am on a “rant” myself. Curious to know if the subject matter is the same as yours? Here’s hoping it will come back through the internet gods.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Sally. Nice to hear from you. I assume our rants were related. And this was right after my most recent post about the world needing anger management. If you haven’t read it, it contains some interesting neuroscience findings about empathy and compassion.


  6. There once was an earnest progressive
    Who dashed off a flaming hot missive
    It went into the void
    She got quite annoyed
    That the internet gods weren’t receptive.

    That’s all I’ve got on short notice. Seriously, what a bummer. I have had that happen a time or two in my life, though not in WP. I hope you find it.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha! All šŸ‘‚! I use the WordPress ā€œexportā€ function to create a file that contains all published and draft posts as well as all comments. Then, if you lose everything, you can import the export file and should be good to go.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wow! I didnā€™t know about that! I asked the HE that question in my search for my flyaway post. Letā€™s see the response I get.
        By the way, I first referred to the ā€œHEsā€ in one of my earliest posts, when I knew Iā€™d screwed up. I noted parenthetically that readers should consider that a gender-neutral term.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, surely many of your readers, this one included, know the feeling. Rest assured, I’ll be here when you return. Thank you for your perseverance.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry Annie. So happy breathing and meditation is working for you. I think that I would have to release many screams. Loved reading all the responses.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Christopher, but itā€™s floating somewhere in cyber sky, never to be seen in that form again. Fortunately, in the scheme of things, itā€™s simply a temporary annoyance. Iā€™m over it.

      Liked by 1 person

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