A Memorial Day Montage for Those Needing Anti-Trump Fodder

On this day that reminds us of the sacrifices so many Americans have made to protect our country, I think it’s important to consider how seriously every one of us will regard our decisions about self-governing in November.

If you have family, friends, fellow workers, or other acquaintances who aren’t beyond reach, I offer the following very brief videos.

Ken Burns, an esteemed American documentary film maker and historian, explains in the video below that he feels compelled to set aside the political neutrality he’s adhered to for years. Burns was speaking at the Brandeis University commencement last week. If you’re interested in the full speech, which is a wide-ranging trip through American history to the present, you can watch it here.

It’s worth reminding people who may have considered Nikki Haley a promising figure in the Republican party, rather than the callow opportunist she is, about how right she was when she talked about Trump–courageous, even, in view of the violent threats she received–during her short-lived campaign (before saying she’ll vote for him a few days ago).

Paul Rieckhoff is the founder and executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and the founder of Operation Truth, an advocacy and support group.

The Lincoln Project was founded by Never Trumpers. Trump’s use of Nazi verbiage has been increasing. A video his campaign released days ago included reference to a “unified Reich” as a possible headline if he were, perish the thought, to win in November.

ADDENDUM: In contrast so dramatic to all the above that it seems to be from a different universe, Donald Trump’s Memorial Day message appears below.

Please share!


27 thoughts on “A Memorial Day Montage for Those Needing Anti-Trump Fodder

      1. Mmm, many kind thanks Annie. 🤗❤️

        In the next 5-8 weeks things will be very much changed, however, said change will bring further big changes (upheaval?) for me moving back up to Dallas, TX and restarting my own life from square one…

        again… for the 3rd or 4th time. I’ve lost count. 🙄😄

        Liked by 1 person

  1. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

    I know I will not get out alive and if I come back no fortune will remain. All we really have is our honor. What has happened to modern people?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I carry dad’s and granddad’s name. If I debase myself I dishonor them. One bad Benedict and it’s just eggs.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. 758 subscribers. Each of us is lucky to have you.



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    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow. Ken Burns and Paul Rieckhoff should take that on the road! It’s continually baffling that people accept this hateful, vial dangerous behavior and will vote for it. Money? I’m sure the world (aside from the part that’s cheering) is concerned and thinks we have lost 😞 our minds.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I follow political strategist Simon Rosenberg, Gail: hope with a plan. With this post, my hope/plan is that people who feel strongly that we must defeat Trump will share these brief videos with folks they know are undecided, or don’t plan to vote, or are otherwise possibly persuadable.

        I’m about to add another item to the post: Trump’s unhinged Memorial Day message.


    1. From what I’m hearing, there’s a mistaken nostalgia among people who have forgotten what Trump’s four years were like. This is not the cult, and many of them may be reachable. That’s the “target audience” for my brief video collection, Jill.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed, I’ve heard from a few people like that, people who hated Trump when he was in office, but now seem to have forgotten the chaos and are saying that, “Awww … he maybe wasn’t so bad after all.” Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr … But yes, those people are a good target audience for your collection! Keep up the great work, my friend!


  4. Annie,  thanks for sharing this. People who make statements like Trump was not so bad were obviously not paying attention and believe Trump’s sales schtick. 152 historians ranked him the worst president in US history. As an independent and former Republican of 25 years and Democrat of 5 years, I agree with this ranking. He has destroyed the Republican Party, and he is doing his darnedest to destroy American democracy. There is not enough paint to white wash his Tom Foolery. Keith

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A bit off subject but with NY conviction as a Felon does this mean that the “Son of Sam” law apply’s? If so would that include any fundraising that cites or refers to this conviction and crimes?

    Liked by 1 person

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