BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT–An Acrostic in Praise of Twelve Ordinary Americans


B ellicose bombast
E rupted from the
Y owling potty mouth
O f the
N ihilistic felon
D isgraced at last by

A merican justice.

R ising as one from anonymity,
E ntering an
A tmosphere requiring
S ignificant bravery to accept a once-
O rdinary civic duty, twelve
N ew Yorkers assessed facts,
A sked cogent questions, and
B elied the naysayers by conferring
L egitimacy on an
E mbattled American institution.

D on’t let anyone dishonor what these
O rdinary Americans accomplished
U nder fraught circumstances: guided
B y a kindly judge receiving death threats,
T hey affirmed the majestic power of the rule of law.

NOTE: Despite Trump’s ranting against a judge whose judicial temperament and even-handed rulings won widespread praise, the felonious Republican standard-bearer and his Fox minions were counting on a hung jury based on two jurors who said before being accepted to serve by both the prosecution and the defense that their main sources of news were Fox and Truth Social. One in particular was “praised” on Fox because, they said, his face lit up and he smiled when Ohio Senator JD Vance entered the courtroom as part of the pro-Trump brigade.

Legal commentators, both former prosecutors and defense attorneys, repeatedly said that although there were no guarantees, in their experience, jurors most often are able to set aside their preconceptions.

It should not be lost in all of Trump’s furious and dangerous whining about his inability to get a fair trial in Manhattan because the system was “rigged” against him–and the immediate chorus of soulless and cowardly Republican elected officials denouncing what they claim was a “kangaroo court” (among other similarly dangerous calumnies)–that the unanimous jury was, demonstrably, a jury of Trump’s peers.


35 thoughts on “BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT–An Acrostic in Praise of Twelve Ordinary Americans

    1. Yes, Frank. Sadly, this normal, everyday American rite, just like that of working at the polls on Election Day, now requires extraordinary courage. I do think we can reverse this dangerous trend, but it will take time and commitment from lots of ordinary Americans.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Jill. I wrote a post a while back about sleep–and the creativity that occurs during the REM cycle. When I awoke this morning, this acrostic came so fast that I had to scribble it down.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Trump’s die-hard supporters have little choice but to claim the trial was unfair, lest they might need to explain their support for a felon.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. That’s true, William. But we must all make sure this moment doesn’t become a “Bill Barr explains the Mueller findings” moment. I just hope reporters become a little bolder in interviewing Trump supporters–in politics and everyday life–asking them “What do you think about this convicted felon?” And if they spout Trump’s drivel, the follow-up should be: “Then why is the Biden DOJ investigating Hunter Biden and Robert Menendez and Rep. Henry Cuellar?”

      Liked by 3 people

  2. This is beyond fantastic news! 🤩🥳

    However, between now and July 11th, the Baby Orange Orangutan’s sentencing, a lot of illegal, mob-boss, dark alley sh*t can happen, and tRumpy-ass might avoid prison or flee the country. This is NOT out of the realm of possibility.

    Nevertheless, this is STILL wonderful news along the lines of VE-Day and VJ-Day in 1945! 😁

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Richard: when you’ve talked about July previously, I didn’t realize you meant the Rs were going to dump Trump. I think he may be totally incoherent, but it will still be Weekend at Bernie’s. I don’t see that happening for a bunch of reasons.

        By the way, Alan Lichtman was on CNN saying he’s quite sure Biden will win. He’ll make his final assessment and public announcement in August.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. How many people on the Titanic really knew it was sinking? How many froze to death refusing to believe it happened? Someone is buying truth social stock.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Gamblers usually with too much money. I follow scrap prices but tea leaf reading is just imagination at work. I consider marijuana the most dangerous drug. Your hopium might be 2nd. But if we are going to push dangerous substances we might as well push industrial strength.


  3. Trump and his followers are a phenomenon that boggles my mind. Till Trump emerged eight years ago, I had no idea there were so many hateful, bigoted, warped people in the USA. In re the court case, what sentence might Trump receive?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve heard very different perspectives about sentencing, Neil. There’s no required jail time for this crime, but if the prosecutors request it and the judge agrees, the state’s guidelines say 1-4 years. I’d like to see him get some jail time based on his lack of remorse, his continued violations of the gag order, etc. We’ll have to wait til July 11.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I think it’s great & I was like YES YES YES YES when I was listening to the verdict being read out but remember that there’s a ongoing case in GA & there’s federal cases that he could dismiss if he’s reelected president. It’s not over by a long shot. This is one battle won in a war that has to victorious for the rule of law & for democracy or we the people are fucked forevermore … at least for a very long time.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. It is striking that nearly all Republican politicians, despite their personal wealth and power, are too cowardly to stand up to Trump or challenge his bullshit — but twelve ordinary Americans had the guts to do so. Evidently we have the wrong people in charge.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It is striking, indeed, Infidel. I saw one campaign ad pointing out that Trump wouldn’t qualify for a job in a local mall.

      It bothers me a great deal that once he’s formally nominated, he gets national security briefings. Seems kinda nuts.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. What bothers me — the mainstream media is full of Ttump and his ilk worms bashing the justice system, Biden, and anything else they can think to bash, with next to nothing from the Dems or the DOJ. No wonder his MAGAts believe this was a witchhunt concocted by the “other side”!
    Some fair reporting, or shutting down of Republican bullshit, might help — but I guess that doesn’t sell advertising…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think we’ll see more and more, rawgod.

      Biden made this statement, and he was immediately criticized (with some justification) of not talking about all the injustices in our justice system. But how can he do that in these circumstances? He’d be stepping on his own message.

      And here’s something good from popular culture. (tv)


      1. To the tune of Delta Dawn:

        Donnie Trump, Aint it time that you gave up, We all know that your delusion is a lie… You lost the election by a mile And although you try to smile, You know that you’re a failure in Fred’s eye
        He’s 78, yet he still thinks that he’s the greatest But the jury said he’s probably a rapist He wants to walk down 5th Ave with a gun– He could never pull a trigger he’s got none
        He paid off Stormy as if she were a ho Then he conspired to take the freedom out of Roe His charity he ran into the ground Immunity is nowhere to be found
        Mr. Trump Aint it time that you grew up Your bully ways won’t help you once you’re in jail You know you’re going to cry And you know you’re going to die And there’s nothing that can keep you out of hell

        Liked by 1 person

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